Positivity Is Needed For The Children’s Sake.

It's your turn to change the world

One of the major pushes we would like to see with PN4U, INC, is developing positivity in children and students. 

The last few years have been tough on young people. They were already facing the struggles of youth and the world to find positivity and along came a pandemic.  

I began Positive News For You to offer an alternative to mainstream media negativity, but it did not take too many weeks to see that the issue was bigger than that.  

Desmond Tutu had this to say. There comes a time when we need to stop just pulling people out of the river. We need to go upstream and find out why they are falling in. 

In 2022, one of our strong emphasis’ is to put positivity back into the lives of children. 

We have an ASK.  

If you are an educator, a teacher, homeschool parent or a party who would like to see children be helped to overcome the negativity that goes on about them, I hope you will connect with us. 

We would like to collaborate with folks who would like to be part of the change. 

We have spoken to many folks in the world of education over the years and would like to investigate this further.  

We would like to be a facilitator of change. 
